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My name is King Alfonso II alias ‘Patches’ ‘ Little Kid’ ‘GD’ and I have written a book as told through the eyes of a man’s best friend. A “Woofie’ for your divine pleasure.

I did not go to graduate school because I never attended a college, high school or even a grammar school.

Just not enough time in dog years, if you do the math. Better than all of the above I was privileged to be homeschooled. How great is that to get an education better than any of the above.
With just good old-fashioned caring and love in the process.

Know what my Master said? I was smarter than a 5.0 electric engineer. My writing, I admit, might be slightly flawed, grammar issues but I am somewhat biased. After all, I had my Master to educate/show the way and train me. It does not get any better than that.

It’s a very entertaining book that I promise you will enjoy on all of the events we’ve shared. Each story is better/funnier than the next. Get a plane in NYC and by the time you land in LA you have read the book…then can’t wait to go back on the plane and read it again.

Someone said that every book is a life- every life is a book.
Well, we did both.


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